Mine Safety

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
Division of Industry Services

Mine Safety Course Registration

Anyone wishing to discuss the Industry Services Mine Safety education program may contact:

David Vriezen,Safety Inspector and Scheduling at David.Vriezen@wisconsin.gov or 414-416-3196

Kim Schmitt, Field Operations Section Chief at Kim.Schmitt@wisconsin.gov or 262-524-3950

Now taking registrations for the following:

Course Name and Cost Course Dates and Location
Annual Refresher, $330 per class(35 limit) Contact Dave Vriezen at 414-416-3196 You decide on your date and location

Thank you for using New Mine Safety Course Registration system. In order to properly fill out the registration form you will need to provide the following information:

Sponsor Company Name

Name of your Office Contact/person responsible for training

Daytime Phone Number

Street and/or Mailing Address

Zip Code


Valid Email Address

Copy of Training Plan

We will also need to know what type of operation you have (Surface Mine,Independent Operator, Other) and how many people will be in the class.

You will need to tell us what topics you want us to teach.

Important Note: If any companies will be taking class with you, you will need to provide the following information about them as well:

Company Name

Name of Your Office Contact

Daytime Phone Number

Street and/or Mailing Address

Zip Code


Copy of Training Plan

We will also need to know what type of operation they have (Surface Mine, Independent Operator, other) and how many people will be in the class from each other company.

To meet MSHA's record keeping requirements, provide the student's full name, including full middle name, and Jr., Sr., III, as applicable.

Should you have any suggestions or comments contact Kim Schmitt at 262-524-3950 or David Vriezen at 414-416-3196.

Thanks again for using our on-line registration system.

Click here to go to MSHA's sample Part 46 Training Plan.
Click here to return to the Mine Safety Home Page.